“Asem mpe nipa, nipa ne pe asem”
When Meme says this
At the end of her anasesem
I can’t help but feel
Like I am the same Ananse
Everyone warns their grandchildren about
When I hear of his greed
I think of my own
Buried deep underneath
The facade of indifference
As if I am incapable
Of wanting
More than I deserve
When I hear of his many faces
I think of my own
To Meme and Maa
I am the little girl they watched
Grow up
Underneath their strong wings
The same ones they thought would keep me
From the evils of the world
The kind little girl
With an obnoxious yet lovable laugh
To Akosua and Freddie
I am the big sister
Who closes the door of her heart
In their young faces
When she thinks they won’t notice
But they do, they always do
To Opo and Achia
I am their brave and strong cousin
Who would waste no time
Fighting for anyone of them
To Adwoa
I am unknown
A book she has read
So many times
But still cannot understand
When Meme says
“Asem mpe nipa, nipa ne pe asem”
I think of the times
I found myself looking for trouble
With my shorts and tanks
And my barely developed breasts
Enticing men old enough
to be called my fathers
I guess little girls being little girls
Equals an invitation they didn’t send
I want to be like Ananse
I want to be the greedy man
The one that takes what he was never given
I want to be like Ananse
Multiple hands touching
Souls meant to be left clean and pure
Leaving years’ worth of damage
The naked eyes cannot see
I want to be like Ananse
Appearing to you in so many forms
I get lost within your mind
Till you begin to see me in your brothers
And sisters and cousins and friends
And all the ones in between
Even the ones you thought you were
Untouchable to
I want to be like Ananse
So I can hide my true intent
Behind my wit and cunning
Leaving you confused
Every time I visit
“Asem mpe nipa, nipa ne pe asem” – Trouble seeks no man, it is man who seeks trouble
Anansesem – Ananse stories